4th Lofoten Exhibition of Photographic Art

Arctic vista with Arctic Exhibition logo


Results and Demographics

The complete list of awarded photos can be found here

The complete list of accepted photos can be found here

Demographics can be found here

Norwegian results (club) can be found here

Norwegian results (author) can be found here


Gallery of awarded and accepted photos can be found here


Lofoten Exhibition 2017 - Chairmans message

Lofoten Exhibition 2017 - Chairmans message

As leader of this 4th Lofoten Exhibition it is a great pleasure for me to thank you all photo friends around the world again, for having done this special salon to a big success!

For us who have been planning and working in the committee there has been a lot of work, a lot of enjoyment and an amazing feeling to success and get so many participants from all over the world.

To make this salon a reality, I have had many talented employees with me and they have done a fantastic job. I am grateful and full of admiration for their efforts.

I must also comment the fantastic juries who conducted the evaluation of all images with great conscience.

The judging was held in stunning surroundings in the beautiful Lofoten peninsula. Closer described – in Sakrisøy near Reine in the western part of Lofoten.

We had some fantastic days together with our judges in still weather, fog and snowy winter evenings! Amazing!

Congratulations to you all for fantastic results and stunning photos!

The 5th Lofoten will be held in March 2018. Prepare your best photos! The themes will be open color, open mono and Landscape/Seascape like this year, but there might be one more theme class also.

Stay tuned on www.arcticexhibition.no and www.lofotenexhibition.no for more information, and of course we will send information to each of you on email.

Thanks all photo friends!

With best regards,

Olav-Inge Alfheim, EFIAP /g, ESFIAP, EsNSFF chairman

Recognition(PTD) Patronage 2017/210

PSA Recognition 2017-076 -- FIAP - Patronage 2017/210